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Cheile Grădiștei

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Resort Fundata Resort
Resort Moieciu Resort
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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Society dance, Zumba, 2 fully-equipped gyms, an indoor football court with artificial grass, mini-football, tennis. The gym is equipped with a variety of machines, for beginners, as well as intermediate and professional practitioners.

The Cheile Grădiștei sports center includes:

1 football field with synthetic grass, standard size (100 x 60 m): 400 RON / hour

1 football field with natural grass, standard size (100 x 60 m): 400 RON / hour

1 mini-football field with synthetic grass, 40 x 20 m: 200 RON / hour

2 multifunctional courts with synthetic surfaces (tennis, basketball, handball, football): 40 RON / hour / court, without equipment; 60 RON / hour / court, with equipment

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Hiking in Tara Branului, climbing, Aventura Park, outdoor playgrounds. Holidays in Cheile Grădiștei always go by too fast. Come explore with us!
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Cheile Grădiștei Fundata is home for all sports! In the area especially designed for those passionate about outdoor exercise, you will find mountain running trails, fitness equipment, a mountain bike initiation circuit, pump-track and balance ramps.
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