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Cheile Grădiștei

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Resort Fundata Resort
Resort Moieciu Resort
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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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In the Cheile Gradistei - Resort Fundata Complex, there is an adventure park for the daring ones, with climbing games located high up in the trees. There are 3 routes available for teenagers and adults, with different degrees of difficulty, and 2 routes for children. Each route also has zip lines, the longest being over 40 meters.


Entry fees Aventura Park

Adults/Children over 12 yrs40RON/trail/personChildren between 6 and 12 yrs30RON/trail/Child


More details at Cheile Gradistei Resort Fundata Rental Center



* Outdoor sports activities take place depending on weather conditions

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Climbing ropes Cheile Gradistei Fundata
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